Tuesday, November 25, 2014

So this is Christmas

In Brazil, Christmas starts earlier every year. At least for our shopping malls. Inspired by them, I'm also going to consider it's already that time of the year.

Too many people get really sentimental. I think it's natural for several reasons. Main one is that everything stops, and dust settles on everyone's life, no matter how busy it has been during the year. Then it can hit you: the fact you've spent most of your time at work, solving somebody else's problems instead of being with your loved ones and helping them out. And if that was the case with you, it means you were lucky enough to have a job, to be able to sell your time and skills for money, and to buy yourself a slice of descent life.

Anyhow, feelings may emerge from that change of pace, and you may actually remember a lot of things you so successfully managed to forget during almost all the year. When that happens, some people write beautiful messages to their loved ones, full of good wishes and hope for the future. I don't have anything against this approach and I really endorse demonstrations of true feelings. I think if you're able to tell your dearest people you love them, you should really do so.

But this year I'm going to break this tradition and address people I despise first. Why? Because I believe even being just a few, these folks can make too much damage. So if my wishes to them come true, everybody else will be much better off.

I need to take a step back and briefly describe these folks. They are unfair, opportunistic, power driven, and coward. It's common for them to take credit for others' work, since they don't do much themselves. They are not really smart, in intelligence or knowledge terms. Maybe because of that, they are great at selling certainty to others. If they were smarter, they'd naturally be aware of their own ignorance, which would prevent them to impose their arrogance to others, usually taking advantage of privileged conditions and better opportunities. They are very good at defending those better results they get as a consequence of their hard work and skill. Many of these folks won't even reproduce and pass over the genes they consider so superior to everybody else's. Still they are capable of creating great negative social impact, despite being logically so insignificant.

What I wish for this people is simple: I want them to go back to where they really belong. I think this usually happens sooner or later. The problem is that when later is the case, others will suffer. More so when for some reason they don't have adequate means to defend themselves. I don't want these horrible people to necessarily die or suffer, although I have to confess sometimes these desires populate my dreams. I really want them to be disarmed, to lose the means to do harm in their own best interest. If this happens, they will also automatically stop taking ownership of resources that they haven't even helped producing. This will certainly reduce inequality, which is bad by definition, but even worse because of the way it's unfairly produced.

With that, all my beloved friends and family will have a truly Merry Christmas. Not only them, but everybody else struggling to make a living while high class parasites stand on their ways, covered in idiotic certainties. That's my dearest wish for Christmas, New Year and for everyday we all have the privilege to inhabit this blue planet.

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