Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Abusers' weapons to get away with bad conduct

Abusers have the talent to turn justice safety mechanisms into personal shields. They also benefit from the fact people in power receive better treatment (although everyone prefers to believe this is not the case or to justify that by some sort of illusional merit). 

Let's look at some of the examples:
1-When you get abused, you need to prove it's happening. It's only fair as from this perspective the abuser is presumed innocent. Issue is they certainly know it and will do a great job in not producing evidence that would make them get busted.

2- If you manage to collect some evidence, then they will use another super common mechanism that works perfectly for those in power: they claim to be ignorant of the fact that turns their apparently harmless conduct into abuse. This works well from presidents to low rank managers.

While they count on these weapons mentioned above to deal with external monitoring, they use their power over the abused person to create cognitive confusion about what situations really are, making it super hard for the harassed person to even be sure about the nature of what's going on.

I'm surely not uncovering anything new here. That's happening everyday, in everybody's face. But while people in power will use organizations and institutions to protect themselves, I want abused people to use this knowledge to do the same.

It's not easy, not fair and ugly. But this clarity can at least bring you some inner peace to deal with those nasty situations that are so common in the world of disability and discrimination.

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