Saturday, July 19, 2014

Celebrating 1000 views

This blog has come out of a willingness to write about pressing issues in my personal life. I had just went through the thirty years old milestone, and it has become evident that despite very constant, intense and exhausting efforts, my life journey wasn't at all taking me where I thought it would. I've blamed myself for that (very jewish behavior I guess). Considering my education, social and economic background, my deep troubles getting a more or less stable position in common social institutions (formal ones like professional occupation and informal ones like friendships and other voluntary affiliations) didn't make any sense. I felt ashamed.

The blog was primarily an exercise to get a bit of distance and perspective from these thoughts and feelings (and hopefully getting more insight about what I was doing wrong). This time it wasn't an attempt to share the pain and gain external sympathy, affection, comfort.

However, all of a sudden, it has become clear my journey in this world was quite similar to the ones of many other people everywhere. For almost my entire existence I've been unable to perceive these similarities. But as a matter of fact, like me, these people very often also felt completely lonely and confused.

After this A-Ha moment, the blog has become my best response to that encounter with truth. And I'm very happy because not only I'm not lonely anymore, but I've also found a higher purpose to my tiny little insignificant life, as is. Creating light to guide me in the previously dark road of my life will hopefully also illuminate all these folks'. As I believe we were lost and lonely for very similar reasons, I guess a shock of awareness can set us all free. This is a damn great reason to celebrate a thousand accesses. But I really want to multiply that by at least 7 million and the reason why I think that's possible is the fact that in the end what I've found concerns every single human being on Earth.

Maybe my father is right and humanity will eventually get better at caring for everybody after stumbling and tripping wildly over each other repeatedly. As for myself, I'm in favor of a less chaotic and random approach. I'll be struggling for building it, one day at a time.

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